Monday, February 22, 2010

Signs Of Hiv Aids Warning Signs Of Hiv/aids Should Scientific Facts Be Given To The Public About HIV Or Should Politicall Correctness Be Given?

Should scientific facts be given to the public about HIV or should politicall correctness be given? - signs of hiv aids warning signs of hiv/aids

Much erroneous information to the public "to prevent discrimination." It is politically correct to say that eveyone has the same risk of contracting HIV, but is not the case. ...

While all signs to warn "everyone who" are very vulnerable to HIV / AIDS remain for almost 30 years. HIV is still (and since the beginning), mainly concentrated in the same high-risk groups - men who have sex with men and intravenous drug users have.

Some studies say that the victims up to 30 percent of cases are heterosexual. Look carefully, and whether the definitions in these studies have changed. The small print shows that heterosexual transmissionamong men who have sex with bisexual men and drug users had. The most common route of sexual transmission of HIV is anal intercourse.

It is their behavior - anal sex and sharing needles - which brings them into danger. Frankly, the mucosa of the rectum, unlike the vagina, a relatively permeable barrier is only one cell thick (the colon is designed to absorb liquid - what is the essence of its function) is therefore very easy for the HIV virus to pass through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream and target cells. Some experts estimate that only about 10 minutes for the virus, obstacles to overcome in order to infect the victim.


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