Friday, January 29, 2010

Vitiligo Treatment Calgary Does Anybody Know A Guaranteed Treatment To Vitiligo?

Does anybody know a guaranteed treatment to Vitiligo? - vitiligo treatment calgary

I have my skin from vitiligo (white patches on the skin are affected). So please, can someone tell me where I can find a guaranteed cure for this disease?. It really bothers me emotionally.


MsT785 said...

There is no cure for vitiligo, but many people use treatment to improve the overall appearance of the skin.

Treatments generally fall into three categories: medical, surgical and adjuvant (which can be used in conjunction with, surgical or medical).

Medical treatment

* Treatment with topical steroids: In the early stages of the disease, the doctor may prescribe a mild steroid cream to apply white spots. This can sometimes stop the spread of patches, and can restore the color of the origin. Steroid cream can only use it for a limited time as a long term can cause side effects such as skin striae are used (if) the skin streaks or lines.
* PUVA (psoralen and UV-A light) treatment: This is taking a medicine (psoralen) to make the skin sensitive to light. The skin is exposed to ultraviolet light of a lamp in a specialized clinic. In nearly half of all cases, this treatment works well and the original color back to the skin. However, this treatment may increase the risk of skiingNo cancer by additional UV exposure, not recommended for children or pregnant women.
* Depigmentation: This is the discoloration of the affected skin around the white spots to bring. A special drug is applied to the white patches twice a day for about a year to remove the pigmentation. Depigmentation is permanent and can not be undone, but can be the best option for people who have vitiligo on more than 50% of their body have.

The surgical treatment

* Skin grafting: Doctors remove you from a very thin layer of normal skin from one area of your body and add the white area with no pigment. This treatment is very slow and not always successful and the risk of scarring.

Complementary Therapies

* Creams Skin camouflage colors that are your natural skin color of the white spots placed as camouflage. Some color creams available on the NHS should be prescribed. In addition, Self (tan) may help to cover vitiligo. It is available in most pharmacies and can last for several days before he re-apply.
* Counseling and support groups: People with vitiligo may be useful to talk to a psychologist or a support group for Vitiligo, helping them to reach an agreement with the appearance of your skin. Your doctor should be in a position to someone who can help in this area refer to.

In addition, the sunburn is a real risk for people with vitiligo, due to lack of melaninin your skin. So people with the condition, especially with lighter skin may be always in a high factor sunscreen (factor 20 or higher protection) for your skin from sunburn and long-term damage. This is to minimize tanning and vitiligo are less noticeable.

Sugar said...

It is not known "cure" for everything.

This is just an interruption of transmission of biological data in the body, due to the absence of a group of complex carbohydrates. There is replacing a great dramatic process, and most writings about science during the last 10 years at least.

Take care.

Best Answer said...

There are several treatments in use ranging from PUVA therapy, homeopathy, ayurveda, food, oils, creams and lotions.

But not everything works for everyone, so a patient can not see the results of the treatment, while another person can earn a great success with it.

Take a look and see what others have vitiligo victims experienced during their treatment.

The forum will be victims of vitiligo suceess run and talk about their failures with various treatments.

KLo said...

I also have vitiligo. Try the recipe for "Elidel" - I am using for the last two years and all my pigments virutally is back in my face! It took about 4 months before the start of small dots of pigment backups - evenutally, united, and irregular spots around my eyes and mouth are gone.

In interrim I Dermablend makeup cover ... not sure whether male or female ... But what they do is very good and lasts all day. Completely cover.

I totally sympathize emotionally disturbing it is to have vitiligo. You have to be used Elidel on my hands (which I am aware of now) ... But it was more difficult than the treatment on my face - only the frequency of hand washing / food, etc. should touch

The routine is that I apply the cream twice a day. I think it also helped to keep the wrinkles! So ... really worth a try. I have it from my dermatologist. He had to write a note to the insurance company was not for him, subject to purpSBI (exsema - SP). Later dropped. It is a face cream, but if the insurance, that's it!

Good luck! I hope it works for you!

Pegasus9... said... The website has a link from the library. On this page, no information about a book by Jeanne-Marie Martin Candida. I read, and said that vitiligo may be) a form of candida (yeast on the outside screen if you inside.

I take digestive enzymes (Martin recommended Swedish Bitter). I do not know if it works completely, but seems to be working on new patches.

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